Friday, December 19, 2008

Polly Bear and Thank you

This is "Polly" I named her after my tatting teacher.

Polly is a Needle Tatted Mini bear that I did for a contest in the Piecework Magazine, I did not win except Polly was chosen to be displayed in the new Museum, I think it is in Kentucky for 4 months. I just got her back today.

The contest was for Pin Cushions. Polly is sitting on her pincushion, I tatted her outfit in size 80 Dmc Cordonnet thread. I got the idea for the dress and hat from a basket pattern I saw in an old tatting book , the patterns were by Carol Winandy. I wrote her and she gave me permission to do this. I just used my imagination and made up the pattern for her outfit.

The Card in the background is the Thank you I got from Piecework Magazine.

here is a photo of Polly by herself.


Gina said...

Congratulations on Polly! Even though you didn't win, she is a winner in our circle! Very creative.

LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

Pooly bear is awesome! She is the sweetest pin cusion I have ever seen!

Unknown said...

Nita! That bear is absolutely adorable! I agree with Lady Shuttle Maker...that IS the sweetest pin cushion I have ever seen! :) You're one very talented lady!